What We do

We seek to bring reconciliation between Jesus & People; among churches, among the nations, and among peoples we serve through…

Bible Translation

We currently have missionaries in South East Asia who have worked with translating the Bible into a minority language and are now learning a Sign Language to begin working with the Deaf community to provide them the Bible in their language as videos..

Church Planting

While SRC is not a church-planting mission, we do involve in planting churches and serve alongside the local churches…

Medical Work

Medical work is one of important mission works as “healing bodies, saving souls” like Jesus’s examples…

Relief & Development

 SRC International’s relief and development projects continue to open up the hearts and boarders of the nations and people who serve.

Theological Education

A focus on Sunday School involving development of textbooks, making crafts, and nurturing and counseling of Sunday School teachers. 

Christian Education

SRC actively serves Third Culture Kids (TCK)s in Asia (currently in Vietnam and Japan). TCKs assimilate a culture that is different to that of their parent’s culture or country of nationality.