
Pray for people to undertake a mission-focused ministry:

  • Pray for the young and old people in the church whom God plans to send into the mission field.
  • Pray for SRC International members to encourage the leaders in the God’s mission despite the challenges
  • Pray for believers in discerning God’s plan for their life.
  • Pray SRC International home side who recruit, train, and equip new missionary workers

Pray for the world and its people:

  • Pray that governments and rulers act favorably toward those who desire to share the gospel.
  • Pray for those who suffer from poverty, injustice, oppression and disease.
  • Ask God to open doors for sharing the gospel.
  • Pray for the unreached and under-reached people groups.
  • Pray that God’s light would shine into the hearts of unbelievers.

Pray for the worldwide church and its mission:

  • Pray for more workers and the resources to sustain them.
  • Pray that more local churches will feel called to missions.
  • Pray that the SRC International will be obedient in its God-given mission.
  • Pray that the SRC International will be faithful and generous in its financial support of missions.

Pray for the work and life of SRC missionaries to:

  • Be sensitive toward and in adapting to other cultures
  • Experience God’s grace increasing in their lives and work.
  • See and seize God-given opportunities to share the good news of Christ
  • Be protected from Satan and those who may wish to harm them.
  • Always seek God-glorified through the missions
  • Experience good emotional, spiritual, and physical health.


Click here if you want more info on a specific region for prayer requests.