
Missional Outreach (Formally called short-term mission): Step-Out

SRC’s missional outreaches are ways to connect you with our SRC teams and ministries in our unique places overseas in a significant way.

Our desire is to create short-term trips with long-term impact – trips that inspire you, your team, your church, or your family to get involved in missions work designed to challenge your heart and serve real needs on the mission field.

Whether this would be your first mission trip or you have made several trips, there are many ways you can live out your faith through a life-changing trip to the places and people of focus. 

Step-Out participants can engage alongside our mission workers and local partners in a variety of ways to:

  • Use your skills and talents to serve others
  • Encourage and serve the local churches
  • Explore long-term ministry opportunities
  • Learn more about being a missionary
  • Determine a specific call to ministry


We provide you with what you need to be prepared, be changed, and make a real difference through missional outreach trips and service opportunities that are:

  • Focused on long-term impact
  • United with missionary and local ministry partners
  • Made to strengthen national churches and communities.
  • Designed to promote deep spiritual growth.

Whatever your background and experience, there is a place for you to serve through SRC’s  STEP-OUT. We provide global opportunities in some of the countries where our workers and local partners serve, as well as US-based opportunities.


  • General ministry experiences (evangelism, teaching, VBS, community outreach, etc.).
  • Specialized ministry experiences, utilizing special skill sets (medical, licensed construction, etc.).
  • Local volunteer service opportunities at our US office 

If you’re looking for an opportunity to serve in missions, while ensuring your time and the resources required are maximized for long-term life and ministry, let SRC be your Step-out into missions.

Click a region and see what opportunities are available.

NorthEast Asia Middle East North Central Africa USA SouthEast Asia

NorthEast Asia

North East Asia region offers opportunities in these areas below.

  • Bible Translation
  • Church Planting
  • Medical Work
  • Relief & Development
  • Christian Education

Middle East

Middle East region offers opportunities in these areas below.

  • Church Planting
  • Theological Education

North Central Africa

North Central Africa offers opportunities in these areas below.

  • Church Planting


USA region offers opportunities in this area below.

  • Theological Education

SouthEast Asia

South East Asia region offers opportunities in these areas below.

  • Bible Translation
  • Church Planting
  • Medical Work
  • Relief & Development
  • Christian Education

Contact Us To Learn More About Outreach Opportunities