Our Mission

SRC International seeks to bring reconciliation between Jesus and People; among churches, among the nations and peoples.

Missio Dei

The term Missio Dei was used at the 5th International Missionary Council conference in Germany, July 1952, to highlight that the missionary movement has its source in the triune God. Karl Hartenstein used to talk about mission as sending of the Son with purpose of establishing the lordship of Christ over the “whole redeemed creation.” 

– Missio Dei is to bring the people into the God’s rule and to have them participate in the mission. We believe that God’s mission is the responsibility of the whole church. 

This brings the church and the mission together. Triune God is the God of mission who sends the church into the world to participate in the mission. The church exists in the world as “sign” of triune God’s present, “foretaste” of God’s reign now, and “instrument” to bring the redemptive work to all creation. The Holy Spirit invites us to God’s mission.

– The participation in Missio Dei is ultimate realization of God’s love for the world and expression of His love through our lives and works.

We seek missional spirituality in our prayer and in fellowship with God.

The inner development of Christian spirituality will dictate the quality of genuine outer life of service. Our intimate walk with the Lord in prayerful and godly life will lead us to His plan for our lives and will reveal His plan for the people whom we serve. It is “gracious and continuous operation of the Holy Spirit by which he purifies the sinner, renews his whole nature in the image of God, and enables him to conform to His will through our worship.

We value missional community building.  

Mission of God is described as “the interrelations of God as that of sending—the Father sent the Son, and the Father and the Son sent the Spirit.” The church is not the “rationale and agency” for mission but God of Trinity is. The three persons is seen as a community “whose orientation is outward, and who’s shared love spills over beyond itself.” We seek to develop missional community where we can experience the work of triune God. We value the relationship of the triune God as proclamation of the “Kingdom of the Father,” in sharing of the “life of the Son,” and bearing the “witness of the Spirit.”  

We seek to be a stepping stone in bridging the gap.  

Steppingstones are used as steps in connecting two points. Our role in mission is like the steppingstones which will help fill the gap. The world will step over us to reach the church. We serve to reconcile the divided nations of north and south Koreas to God. If the Cross of Jesus Christ was the steppingstone connecting the heaven and the earth, the early church believers were steppingstones bridging the world to Christ. We seek to be a steppingstone in bridging the people, whom the Lord called us to go, to Jesus Christ.