
Unlike short mission trips that only offer a glimpse into the life of a missionary, SRC puts a strong emphasis on internships where you get to be alongside experienced long-term missionaries and experience what a full-time life in the mission field is like. We offer customizable internships so that you can also experience a specific region or ministry that God has placed into your heart. Our internships can last anywhere from one to six months.

What can SRC help with during the first stages of this program?

  • Interns will participate in the Serve Mission program. Serve Mission will respond to inquiries, connect inquiries with field opportunities and screen for healthy matches with receiving teams.
  • Serve Mission will also provide materials and services regarding pre-field preparation, debriefing, and follow-up mentoring.
  • SRC will allow interns to raise mission funds through SRC, and the funds will be distributed to the interns.
Going overseas to serve with SRC
How long will SRC help with serving oversea?
  • SRC International will manage international travel, ministry opportunities, and on-field mentoring.
  • Serve Mission will take care of purchasing flight tickets to and from the field. The interns (U.S) will be responsible for their own U.S based health insurance. 
  • Once interns arrive in the field, field workers will care for them for the duration of their placement. Interns will be involved in language learning, mentorship by veteran cross-culture workers, and outreach.
  • Opportunities will look different based on ministry location. The interns will need to take initiative to follow the suggestions of the team and join the team life (meetings, outings, meals, etc.)
 For more information, Contact:

Click a region and see what opportunities are available.

NorthEast Asia Middle East North Central Africa USA SouthEast Asia

NorthEast Asia

North East Asia region offers opportunities in these areas below.

  • Bible Translation
  • Church Planting
  • Medical Work
  • Relief & Development
  • Christian Education

Middle East

Middle East region offers opportunities in these areas below.

  • Church Planting
  • Theological Education

North Central Africa

North Central Africa offers opportunities in these areas below.

  • Church Planting


USA region offers opportunities in this area below.

  • Theological Education

SouthEast Asia

South East Asia region offers opportunities in these areas below.

  • Bible Translation
  • Church Planting
  • Medical Work
  • Relief & Development
  • Christian Education

Contact Us To Learn More About Internship Opportunities