North east Asia

Guk & Helen

My Journey with the KP began 20 years ago when my home church was going through a split. I sensed that God was asking me to try and stop the split from happening. From that point on, the Lord allowed me to do more research on church splits which ultimately led me back to my Korean roots. I discovered that divisions were not only in Korea-American Churches but in our Korean peoples and in our land, between the North and the South. 2006 was my first vision trip into the KP and I have been serving them ever since. This journey has been one of personal healing, discovering identity and destiny. I met my husband who is a 5th generation Korean Chinese living in China. He began his journey with the KP when his house group asked him to consider working to feed children in the KP. He was hesitant at first coming from a poverty stricken background. The more he went, the more he fell in love with those he served and has been serving them now for 10 years. He was been able to find his identity and worth as very specifically Korean Chinese.

We lead the humanitarian team of a special organization. We support and feed preschool and kindergarten children and provide medicine and support farm side clinics. We also help in emergency relief and have a shoe donation program that services orphans and school age children all throughout the KP as well.

Prayer Topics:  

  • Please pray for the currently 60% who are food Insecure in the DPRK.
    The border shutdown together with heavy sanctions and agricultural damage from flooding that happened third quarter of last year have had a negative effect on food security in the DPRK, especially for children.  US Department of Agriculture experts estimate that possibly 60% of the population is food insecure.
  • After 14 years of service to KP we are sensing our family is in transition, but we are not sure what we are transitioning into. It might or might not be with the same organization and region. Please pray for vision and practical next steps for our family.