Cross Cultural Mission

Long Term Mission

Helping People Get to the Mission Field: A few years ago the founder of our training program said, “We have a lot of people who come to us with a desire to serve God internationally, but not all end up overseas. How can we help people get to the mission field?…

The Forgotten Final Resting Place of William Borden

The most influential missionary of the early 20th century never made it to the mission field….

Missional Community

Missional Effectiveness: Once again, missional effectiveness is embracing the totality of the missio Dei—including its message, movement, and marks—and enacting it in the life of a local church….

A Model for Sound Biblical Interpretation

Numerous resources exist that explain the process for biblical interpretation. Most of those resources, however, remain inaccessible to missionaries, because they do not address the complexities of interpreting the Bible in intercultural contexts.