North east Asia


I was enjoying my mid-forties in LA as an orthodontist.  One day a patient proposed a two-week short-term outreach to a Central Asian nation. For the first time in my life, I participated in an overseas mission trip. But that trip completely changed the course of my life.  Throughout the trip, I deeply felt the grace of God and the manifestation of the Spirit. I realized that our God is the compassionate God, especially toward the people in need, and wants His children to share what they have with those in need. 

In March 2007, I visited KP for the first time.  During the outreach, a patient in her late seventies came for dental treatment.  As soon as I held the wrinkled hand of that old lady, I knew that God wanted me to serve the land in the future. A University opened in October 2010.  The school proposed that I open a dental clinic there.  My wife consented after a difficult and long decision making process. Eventually, I raised enough funds to start a dental clinic inside the university and organized a team composed of several dentists, nurses, and healthcare workers. In 2012, the dental clinic was established.  A short time after that, the University president proposed establishing a graduate school of dentistry at the University.  In March 2014, I began to work as a full-time dentist at the university in KP.  A year later, the Graduate School of Dentistry finally opened with two full-time professors and six outpatient professors.

Due to COVID 19, I spent the year 2020 outside KP, and I could look back on ten years of my ministry.  All I can say is, “How grateful I am!”  When I obeyed his calling, God provided me with finance, coworkers, health, and everything I needed.  God indeed showed me how to spend my second half-life to the fullness.   If I continue to live out God’s compassion, sharing what I have with others for the rest of my life, I know that God will continue to fill my heart with joy and peace. The ultimate goal of life given to each of us is to live for His glory.  What should we live for in our life?  The answer lies in God’s word; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength, and will, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” Who is our neighbor?

Prayer Points:

  • Wellness of the students and staffs staying at the university
  • For the lifting of the travel ban to KP
  • For the life and ministry to be fruitful during the travel ban.
